
has been used by humans since prehistoric times. Not only is it a beautiful material, but it also possesses antimicrobial properties. Any virus, bacteria, or cell that comes into contact with brass dies within just a few hours, making it a popular material for door knobs in hospitals. This property of brass helps to reduce the transmission of viruses and bacteria, creating a more hygienic environment.


But that's not all! Brass also has other properties that make it an excellent material. It is highly recyclable, meaning it can be reused an infinite number of times without losing its chemical or physical properties. This has significant environmental and economic advantages. Additionally, brass is highly resistant to corrosion, friction, and oxidation, making it a durable and long-lasting material.

At El Moderno Concep Store, we love brass! We offer a beautiful collection of brass items that not only look great, but also offer the added benefit of antimicrobial properties. Discover our collection today and experience the many benefits of this versatile material for yourself.

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95 productos

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Another Studio
Animal para Plantas Panda Rojo Precio de oferta7,90 €
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MONOCLE by Leuchtturm1917
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Makers Cabinet
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The Empathist
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Another Studio
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TF Colgante de Latón Oso PequeñoTF Colgante de Latón Oso Pequeño
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Another Studio
Animal para Plantas Orangután Precio de oferta7,90 €
Set de Marcapáginas - ClásicoSet de Marcapáginas - Clásico
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Calendario Perpetuo de Escritorio LatónCalendario Perpetuo de Escritorio Latón
The Empathist
Calendario Perpetuo de Escritorio Latón Precio de oferta219,00 €
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