Monk & Anna

Since 2016, this Netherlands-based brand has created different collections of bags, accessories and stationery products. Its three founders, Simone, Dorien and Lotte, are inspired by Japan, nature, fashion and craftsmanship. Each new collection begins with the search for new color palettes and textures, constantly inspired by the earth's tones. From there, creative minds are free to draw inspiration from everyday life. In this way, Monk & Anna continues to create collections that are creative and thoughtful down to the last detail.


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Cada nueva colección comienza con la búsqueda de nuevas paletas de colores y texturas, inspiradas constantemente en los tonos de la tierra. A partir de ahí, las mentes creativas son libres de inspirarse en la vida cotidiana. De este modo, Monk & Anna sigue creando colecciones creativas y pensadas hasta el último detalle.