
“Established in 1858, reborn in 2018.” Esterbrook once was the largest pen manufacturer in the United States, and one of the biggest and most beloved pen makers in the world with over 200 million produced and sold pens per year before the brand disappeared in the late 20th century.Many important figures from the United States (presidents, writers, illustrators and entrepreneurs) have used Esterbrook pens. A big part of the United States history was literally written and created with Esterbrook pens. From US presidents Abraham Lincoln, John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson who signed legislation with their Esterbrook pens, to famous Disney artist Carl Banks who brought Donald Duck to life with an Esterbrook No 356, to Peanuts creator Charles M. Schulz who used the No 914 for all his comic inkings. The relaunch of this iconic brand in 2018 came by the hand of Kenro Industries, who acquired the rights and patents for this original brand, and who wanted to bring back these beloved pens along with all the values that made Esterbrook back then so successful: outstanding quality at great value, creative design and customer oriented services.

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Estie Ebony/Gold Trim Rollerball PenEstie Ebony/Gold Trim Rollerball Pen
Estie Ebony/Gold Trim Rollerball Pen Sale price124,00 € Regular price155,00 €


Figuras importantes de Estados Unidos (presidentes, escritores, ilustradores y empresarios) han usado bolígrafos y plumas Esterbrook. Una gran parte de la historia de ese país fue literalmente escrita y creada con productos Esterbrook. Desde Abraham Lincoln, John F. Kennedy y Lyndon B. Johnson quienes firmaron legislaciones con sus Esterbrook, hasta Carl Banks, famoso artista de Dinsey, que le dio vida al Pato Donald con un Esterbrook No 356, y Charles M. Schuls, creador de Peanuts (Charly Brown y compañía), que utilizaba un No 914 para entintar todas sus viñetas.

El relanzamiento de esta icónica marca en 2018 vino de la mano de Kenro Industries, que adquirieron los derechos y patentes de la marca original, y quienes querían traer de vuelta estás tan queridas herramientas de escritura junto con todos los valores que hicieron de Esterbrook una marca con tanto éxito: excepcional calidad a un excelente precio, diseño creativo y servicio orientado al cliente.