
"Mantas Ezcaray is the continuation and inheritance received from Cecilio Valgañón, who in 1930 transformed the production of cloths into his handlooms for the manufacture of scarves, shawls and blankets. In the processes, the best natural fibers that nature provides us with are used, and which skillful and expert hands manage to transform." Scarfs, blankets, foulards, every piece made by Mantas Ezcaray is of the highest quality. The passing of time has meant that today they are the only manufacturers left in Ezcaray, and even in Spain. They continue to keep up the traditional skills in washing and dying wool and in the finish. Every piece is made in Ezcaray (La Rioja - Spain).

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8 products

Mohair Foulard Pure White 001 18x170Mohair Foulard Pure White 001 18x170
Mohair Foulard Bluish Dark Grey 315 18x170Mohair Foulard Bluish Dark Grey 315 18x170
Mohair Scarf Indigo Grey 014 35x170Mohair Scarf Indigo Grey 014 35x170
Mohair Foulard Black 027 18x170Mohair Foulard Black 027 18x170
Sold out I want it
Mohair Scarf Pure White 001 35x170Mohair Scarf Pure White 001 35x170
Sold out I want it
Mohair Scarf Black 027 35X170Mohair Scarf Black 027 35X170
Mohair Scarf Black 027 35X170 Sale price69,00 €
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Mohair Foulard Beige 019 18x170Mohair Foulard Beige 019 18x170
Sold out I want it
Mohair Foulard Coral Red 126 18x170Mohair Foulard Coral Red 126 18x170


Bufandas, mantas, fulares, cada prenda de Mantas Ezcaray es de la más alta calidad. El paso del tiempo ha hecho que sean los únicos fabricantes artesanales de mantas y accesorios de Mohair que prevalece en España y uno de los últimos supervivientes en el resto de Europa y del mundo. Todas sus prendas están confeccionadas en Ezcaray (La Rioja).