
"Klimbim is timeless, simple and understated, designed to enhance a woman's natural beauty and femininity. We create pieces that you can easily combine with any outfit and wear on any occasion." Klimbim was established around 2014. Johanna, its founder, came to Barcelona from Germany and decided to stay. Johanna finds her inspiration in the Northern European influences of her young years and the everyday style of the feudal and Mediterranean streets of Barcelona. Klimbim is 100% handmade in their workshop in Barcelona. For them it is very important to work mainly with local suppliers and artisans.

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7 products

Together Necklace GoldTogether Necklace Gold
Together Necklace Gold Sale price35,00 €
Hope Earrings GoldHope Earrings Gold
Hope Earrings Gold Sale price32,00 €
Ye Small EarringsYe Small Earrings
Ye Small Earrings Sale price25,00 €
Ye Long EarringsYe Long Earrings
Ye Long Earrings Sale price29,00 €
Sold out I want it
Twister Earrings GoldTwister Earrings Gold
Twister Earrings Gold Sale price25,00 €
Sold out I want it
Smooth Earrings GolsSmooth Earrings Gols
Smooth Earrings Gols Sale price29,00 €
Sold out I want it
Twister NecklaceTwister Necklace
Twister Necklace Sale price32,00 €


Johanna, su fundadora, vino a Barcelona desde Alemania y decidió quedarse. Johanna encuentra su inspiración en las influencias del norte de Europa de su infancia y juventud y el estilo cotidiano de las calles feudales y mediterráneas de Barcelona. Klimbim es 100% hecho a mano, en su taller de Barcelona. Para ellos es muy importante trabajar principalmente con proveedores y artesanos locales.