
LaGriot talks about the places it inhabits. It all started as a small coffee in downtown Madrid, and evolved until today as a plural design studio with an itinerant character. Our identity is very open and has been nourished by different cultures and landscapes that play a significant role in many collections and are inevitably reflected in the soul of our pieces, where all our designs tell a story. Founded on the belief that constant inspiration is the key to our design, at the heart of our work is the sincere desire to imbue the wearers with confidence, elegance, joy acknowledging that each person has a different story to tell. A griot is a storyteller from West Africa. Traditionally is person in charge of transmitting the stories and legends from generations. They are the guardians of the oral tradition and must have the ability to improvise on current events and everything around them. They are authentic repositories of community history.

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Square Scarf Dresden MSquare Scarf Dresden M
Square Scarf Dresden M Sale price50,00 €


Fundada en la creencia de que la inspiración constante es la clave de cada diseño, en el corazón de cada trabajo está el deseo sincero de persuadir a los usuarios con confianza, elegancia y alegría, reconociendo que cada persona tiene una historia diferente que contar. A Griot es un narrador de historias de África Occidental. Tradicionalmente es la persona encargada de transmitir las historias y leyendas desde generaciones. Son los guardianes de la tradición oral y debe tener la capacidad de improvisar sobre acontecimientos actuales y todo lo relacionado con ello. Son auténticos repositorios de la historia de la comunidad.