Tools to Liveby

The cherished good-old-day vintage stationery. Tools to Liveby offers beautiful, stylish and practical stationery based on classic designs and inspired by the finest writing tools from around the world. Tools to Liveby from Taiwan expects to change the scene of our desk, making everyday activities pleasurable for those who enjoy life and care about the small details.


A lot of fine stationery in the past has been cast out due to the change of generations and the closed factories. Tools to Liveby wants to re-vitalize and share the beauty of those disappeared good stationery. They duplicate the very products with refined modeling and packaging. 

Tools to Liveby have a commitment to satisfy the functional and aesthetical needs of people who have a strong passion for stationary. 

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28 products

Scissors 3" BlackScissors 3" Black
Tools to Liveby
Scissors 3" Black Sale price16,00 €
Yellow Aluminium ScaleYellow Aluminium Scale
Tools to Liveby
Yellow Aluminium Scale Sale price6,50 €
Scissors 6.5" BlackScissors 6.5" Black
Tools to Liveby
Scissors 6.5" Black Sale price22,00 €
Alphabet Stamp (Capital Letters)Alphabet Stamp (Capital Letters)
Tools to Liveby
Red Aluminium ScaleRed Aluminium Scale
Tools to Liveby
Red Aluminium Scale Sale price6,50 €
Scissors 3" GoldScissors 3" Gold
Tools to Liveby
Scissors 3" Gold Sale price19,00 €
Scissors 6.5" GoldScissors 6.5" Gold
Tools to Liveby
Scissors 6.5" Gold Sale price29,50 €
Scissors 8" BlackScissors 8" Black
Tools to Liveby
Scissors 8" Black Sale price35,00 €
Clip 19mm BlackClip 19mm Black
Tools to Liveby
Clip 19mm Black Sale price4,76 € Regular price5,95 €
Lead Refill Case 0,5mm Mix (3 sticks: HB/B/2B)Lead Refill Case 0,5mm Mix (3 sticks: HB/B/2B)
Tools to Liveby
Lead Refill Case 0,5mm BLead Refill Case 0,5mm B
Tools to Liveby
Lead Refill Case 0,5mm B Sale price14,00 €
Scissors 8" GoldScissors 8" Gold
Tools to Liveby
Scissors 8" Gold Sale price44,00 €
Clip 32mm GoldenClip 32mm Golden
Tools to Liveby
Clip 32mm Golden Sale price5,95 €
Scissors 9" BlackScissors 9" Black
Tools to Liveby
Scissors 9" Black Sale price29,60 € Regular price37,00 €
Clip 51mm GoldenClip 51mm Golden
Tools to Liveby
Clip 51mm Golden Sale price6,95 €
Sold out I want it
Lead Refill Case 0,5mm HBLead Refill Case 0,5mm HB
Tools to Liveby
Lead Refill Case 0,5mm HB Sale price14,00 €
Sold out I want it
Lead Refill Case 0,5mm 2BLead Refill Case 0,5mm 2B
Tools to Liveby
Lead Refill Case 0,5mm 2B Sale price14,00 €
Sold out I want it
Green Aluminium ScaleGreen Aluminium Scale
Tools to Liveby
Green Aluminium Scale Sale price6,50 €
Sold out I want it
Alphabet Stamp (Small Letters)Alphabet Stamp (Small Letters)
Tools to Liveby
Sold out I want it
Silver Aluminium ScaleSilver Aluminium Scale
Tools to Liveby
Silver Aluminium Scale Sale price6,50 €
Sold out I want it
Blue Aluminium ScaleBlue Aluminium Scale
Tools to Liveby
Blue Aluminium Scale Sale price6,50 €
Sold out I want it
Clip 51mm BlackClip 51mm Black
Tools to Liveby
Clip 51mm Black Sale price6,95 €
Sold out I want it
Clip 32mm SilverClip 32mm Silver
Tools to Liveby
Clip 32mm Silver Sale price5,95 €
Sold out I want it
Black Aluminium ScaleBlack Aluminium Scale
Tools to Liveby
Black Aluminium Scale Sale price6,50 €


Tools to Liveby está ubicada en Taiwán y espera cambiar el escenario de nuestro escritorio, haciendo que las actividades cotidianas sean placenteras para aquellos que disfrutan de la vida y se preocupan por los pequeños detalles.

En el pasado, muchos artículos de papelería fina se han desechado debido al cambio de generaciones y al cierre de las fábricas. Tools to Liveby quiere revitalizar y compartir la belleza de aquellos desaparecidos buenos artículos de papelería. Duplican los mismos productos con un modelado y un embalaje refinados.

Tools to Liveby se compromete a satisfacer las necesidades funcionales y estéticas de las personas que tienen una gran pasión por la papelería.