Violeta Lópiz

Violeta Lópiz (Ibiza, 1980) is a leading author of children's albums, known for her courage and artistic clarity. In each project, she explores new frontiers of artistic expression and develops a unique visual language. She has participated in exhibitions around the world, where her colorful and detailed style has attracted attention. Her works, imbued with a dreamlike and poetic character, evoke sympathy, fragility and beauty. Lópiz's work testifies to her ability to fuse technique, emotion and imagination in a masterful manner.

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6 products

Cine Doré Giclée Print A3Cine Doré Giclée Print A3
Violeta Lópiz
Cine Doré Giclée Print A3 Sale price49,90 €
Puerta del Sol Giclée Print A5Puerta del Sol Giclée Print A5
Violeta Lópiz
Puerta del Sol Giclée Print A3Puerta del Sol Giclée Print A3
Violeta Lópiz
Puerta del Sol Giclée Print A4Puerta del Sol Giclée Print A4
Violeta Lópiz
Cine Doré Giclée Print A4Cine Doré Giclée Print A4
Violeta Lópiz
Cine Doré Giclée Print A4 Sale price29,90 €
Cine Doré Giclée Print A5Cine Doré Giclée Print A5
Violeta Lópiz
Cine Doré Giclée Print A5 Sale price19,90 €


Sus obras, imbuidas de un carácter onírico y poético, evocan simpatía, fragilidad y belleza. La obra de Lópiz testimonia su capacidad para fusionar técnica, emoción e imaginación de manera magistral.