Walk With Me

From illustrated maps to enviromentally responsible and ethically made accessories with a minimal design aesthetic. Walk With Me is a Spanish Brand based in Madrid that combines minimal and multifunctional design with their own manufacturing facilities and sustainable materials to offer a real sustainable alternative. 1% of their sales are to fund Plastic Collectors, which organize monthly trash pickups on beaches and in forests, done by collectors and volunteers. They are trying to make a positive impact on the world of retail by eliminating unnecessary waste, creating limited runs and repurposing materials as much as possible.

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6 products

Madrid Map - La LatinaMadrid Map - La Latina
Walk With Me
Madrid Map - La Latina Sale price16,00 €
Madrid Map - Barrio de las LetrasMadrid Map - Barrio de las Letras
Walk With Me
Madrid Map - MalasañaMadrid Map - Malasaña
Walk With Me
Madrid Map - Malasaña Sale price16,00 €
Madrid Map - LavapiésMadrid Map - Lavapiés
Walk With Me
Madrid Map - Lavapiés Sale price16,00 €
Madrid Map - ChuecaMadrid Map - Chueca
Walk With Me
Madrid Map - Chueca Sale price16,00 €
Sold out I want it
Madrid Map - Sol y PalacioMadrid Map - Sol y Palacio
Walk With Me
Madrid Map - Sol y Palacio Sale price16,00 €


El 1% de sus ventas se destina a financiar a los Recolectores de Plástico, que organizan recogidas mensuales de basura en playas y bosques, realizadas por recolectores y voluntarios. Esta marca intenta generar un impacto positivo en el mundo del retail eliminando deshechos innecesarios, creando tiradas limitadas y dando nuevos usos a los materiales.